Angeli Burke Guerrini Magnusson Murray Tamborrino - Sardinian Liturgy
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Sardinian Liturgy

Angeli Burke Guerrini Magnusson Murray Tamborrino
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Sardinian Liturgy by Angeli Burke Guerrini Magnusson Murray Tamborrino

Released 05/08/2016 on Jazzhead

Track Listing
Track Title Duration
1 Introitus
2 Stabat Mater
3 Northern Light
4 Tartini's Dinner
5 Anton
6 Industrial Rain
7 Absinthe
8 La Corsicana
9 Traffic In The Abey
10 Mattutino
11 Market
12 Mind The Gap
13 Stellar
14 Why Don't You
15 Vespro
16 Highlander
17 J
18 Silver Lining
19 Revenge
20 Jellyfish Rhumba
21 Come Una Preghiera

Product information from MGM

Tagged with: JazzJazzheadReleased 05/08/2016