Gordeanna McCulloch - Sheath & Knife
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Sheath & Knife

Gordeanna McCulloch
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Available as:
  • CD (FECD117) - New - Sold out

Sheath & Knife from Gordeanna McCulloch on Fellside Recordings - get your copy now!

Track Listing
Track Title Duration
1 The Kirk O' Birnie Bouzle 1:36
2 The Dowie Dens O' Yarrow 4:14
3 The Lichtbob's Lassie 2:00
4 Will Ye Gang Love 2:35
5 The Bleacher Lassie O' Kelvinhaugh 4:33
6 The Yowie Wi' The Crookit Horn 4:16
7 There's A Herrin' In The Pan 1:12
8 Sheath & Knife 7:06
9 Jock Since Ever I Saw Your Face 0:33
10 Chevy Chase 3:40
11 Captain Wedderburn 4:30
12 The Gallant Weaver 1:31
13 Eence Upon A Time 2:59
14 Caw The Yowes 3:30
15 Bawbie Allan 5:13
16 The Hielan' Laddie 1:48
17 Be Kind Tae Yer Nainsel 4:45

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