Maddy Prior - The Quest
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The Quest

Maddy Prior
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Available as:
  • CD (PRKCD97) - New - Sold out

The Quest from Maddy Prior on Tba - get your copy now!

Track Listing
Track Title Duration
1 Sheath & Knife
2 Bitter Withy
3 Quest
4 Joseph was a Tin Man
5 Maman
6 John
7 Fields of the Cloth of Gold
The Name of Arthur
8 Venturae Remembering
9 Hallows I
10 Queen and Sovereignty
11 Hallows II
12 Tribal Warriors
13 Hallows III
14 Sentry
15 Hallows IV
16 Once & Future King
17 Jupiter
18 Hind Horn
19 Ravenchild
20 Dance on the wind
Cd Bonus track
21 The Templar Night
Dvd Only Tracks
22 Fabled Hare
23 Lark in the Morning

Product information from MGM

Tagged with: label:TbaMaddy PriorReleased 01/01/2006Tba