Steve Byrne - Songs From Home
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Songs From Home

Steve Byrne
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Available as:
  • CD (CDTRAX275) - New - Sold out

Songs From Home from Steve Byrne on Greentrax - get your copy now!

Track Listing
Track Title Duration
1 The Ither Lass 3:49
2 I Rue The Day She Gaed Awa 3:06
3 The Bonnie Lass O' Cairnie 5:28
4 Leavin Angus In The Mornin 2:56
5 Hogmanay 1:08
6 April 1918 1:38
7 Young Jessie O Bonnie Dundee 2:50
8 Pawkie Adam Glen 1:02
9 Howe O The Mearns 3:21
10 Tam I The Kirk 1:34
11 Rose Song 3:50
12 The Turn Of The Day 1:35
13 The Seaward Toon 3:52
14 The Sang 1:30

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